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From the Little Stream Software blog

With July ending today, summer (or winter) is starting to wind down.

That leaves less than four more months until Black Friday and the holiday buying season.

Plenty of time for mid-sized projects or to build up marketing campaigns. The first step should be to perform a customer behavior analysis so you know what your customer are doing.

Some customer behaviors to analyze would include:

If you need help with the analysis, Repeat Customer Insights will analyze your customer behavior automatically. It'll also give you its recommendations for these and many other analyses.

There's always a lot to do for Black Friday and the holiday buying season but it can be a lot easier if you start now.

Eric Davis

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Measure your customer loyalty

Measure the different levels of customer loyalty with Repeat Customer Insights. It uses various models to segment and grade your customers based on their behavior.

Install Repeat Customer Insights for Shopify