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From the Little Stream Software blog

Issue #442 - March 13th, 2024


Kevin Hillstrom shares his story of buying different headphones and how he made buying decisions.

An interesting part is at the end about how a small number of people can control an industry's popularity and why isn't that you or your employees?

How To Sell on Multiple Channels Without the Logistical Headache (2024)

Elise Dopson writes about how to sell on multiple channels. Finding where your customers are buying and selling to them there can be easier than trying to attract them to your store.

Get a complete view of your customer behavior

The cohort analysis in Repeat Customer Insights will automatically build cohorts for all of your customers. It has the ability to go back through your entire store history so you can get a complete view of your customer behavior.

My articles this week

Don't judge advice by its size

Focus marketing to your customers who spend the most

Complications with using Average Lifetime Value calculations

Measure customer loyalty with Average Orders per Customer

Eric Davis

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