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From the Little Stream Software blog

Issue #430 - December 20th, 2023

Happy holidays to everyone reading this. I hope your 2023 has been everything you hoped it would be.

Just Like Sports

Kevin Hillstrom compares sports teams and merchandising.

The final part is one reason why you get lots of seemingly conflicting advice.

Marketing/messaging is different in each case. Orvis develops products for the customer. Nordstrom selects products for the customer.

Finding 404 pages that actually get visits with GA4

Ilana Davis shares how to find 404 pages your customers ran into. This process is much better than Search Console which relies on their web crawler to find dead links.

Segment your customers automatically with RFM

Segmenting your customers has always been touted as a powerful marketing tool but many stores avoid it because it can be time-consuming.

Repeat Customer Insights will automatically segment your entire customer base for you based on the valuable data Shopify has already collected for you. Ranging from 5 to 30 to over 125+ different segments using RFM and other models, you can pick how much power you want to harness.

My articles this week

Poor packaging damages customer loyalty

Particular products for particular people

Don't forget about end-of-the-year business orders

Tiny Tip: Promote gift cards to last-minute customers

Eric Davis

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