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From the Little Stream Software blog

Issue #424 - November 8th, 2023

Times Have Changed

Kevin Hillstrom writes about how 2023's customer acquisition is getting so difficult that stores are reaching for deep discounts even before the holiday season starts.

The Shopify Tax Platform: Automated Sales Tax Built for Enterprise Businesses

David Toper writes about the release of the Shopify Tax Platform for managing sales tax calculation in Shopify stores. It currently only supports Vertex but seems like they might allow other integrations later.

Measure your customer loyalty

Measure the different levels of customer loyalty with Repeat Customer Insights. It uses various models to segment and grade your customers based on their behavior.

My articles this week

Show your customers they are wanted

Welcome your new customers

Prepare your marketing winners and experiments

Automatic Segments give you advice to reach and convert your repeat customers

Eric Davis

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