A toll-free phone number for your Shopify store gives you credibility and signals your customers you’re serious.

From the Little Stream Software blog

Issue #422 - October 25th, 2023

GeoIP is now a part of Automatic Redirection

Shopify has moved the GeoIP feature from Shopify Plus into the Automatic Redirection.

If you use either of these, you'll want to do some extensive testing to make sure it's configured correctly for Google and any advertising. I've seen a number of bugs and Google-breaking settings in both of these features over the years. You don't want to tank your SEO or ads a month out from Black Friday.

One of My Favorite Tables of All Time

Kevin Hillstrom shows how rebuy rates impact loyalty and other metrics.

Measure your customer loyalty

Measure the different levels of customer loyalty with Repeat Customer Insights. It uses various models to segment and grade your customers based on their behavior.

My articles this week

When does your order end?

Use Halloween as a dress rehearsal for Black Friday

Use your store data to power a feedback loop

Don't neglect your core components

Eric Davis

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