Acquire new customers with a toll-free phone number for your Shopify store.

From the Little Stream Software blog

Issue #419 - October 4th, 2023

Show compatible products to reduce customer service and returns

Ilana Davis writes about how to remind and link to compatible products.

More ways to filter products in admin

Even though Shopify complicated them a lot recently, I've always liked the power metafields give you.

Now with a correctly configured product metafield, you can filter them in the Shopify admin.

See how the month a customer orders will change their behavior

Repeat Customer Insights will automatically group your customers into cohorts based on when they first purchased. This will let you see how the date customers bought would impact their behavior.

My articles this week

One metric to watch for repeat customer performance

Offer your customers their familiar ways to checkout

It's time to review how Q3 ended before Q4 starts

Handling change: Add, Change, or Stop

Eric Davis

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