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From the Little Stream Software blog

Issue #395 - April 19th, 2023

The Realities of Selling on Amazon: A Practical Guide for Founders

Courtney Goudswaard breaks down the pros, cons, and costs for selling on Amazon. It's very well researched and presents multiple sides and things to consider.

How to Optimize Full-funnel Product Pages

Armando Roggio writes about optimizing product pages with segmentation, personalization, and A/B testing.

It's an interesting approach. Sort of feels like a swing back to product pages with everything needed for a customer to make their buy/no-buy decision.

When are your best customers defecting?

Are your best customers defecting? Use Repeat Customer Insights to find out where in their lifecycle you're losing them and what you can do to win them back.

My articles this week

Track running totals for cohorts using a cumulative rollup calculation

Compare your cohort analysis to find customer behavior changes

Analyze your Shopify order data to optimize your email campaign schedule

Customer retention in Shopify is tough

Eric Davis

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