Improve customer satisfaction with a toll-free phone number for your Shopify store.

From the Little Stream Software blog

The really useful part about having Repeat Customer Insights email me the reports is that it makes it really easy to stay up on how the business is operating.

For a couple of years now I've been using the weekly Monday Morning Metrics to monitor sales last week from new and repeat customers (or in my case, new trial conversions and repeat customers). It only takes a minute to scan through the email, compare the performance to what I have in my head, and get the temperature of how things are going.

The usability of having that just show up in my inbox has been a time-saver.

With the new focus report emails, I have new metrics I can start to monitor.

No matter how fancy or flashy reports are, they are worthless if you don't look at them.

Having them show up automatically in email makes them easy to find.

That makes them easy to act on.

Eric Davis

Repeat Customer Insights icon

Learn what your customers are actually doing instead of just guessing

One of the best ways to build a sustainable business starts by getting your customers to come back. Mastering that simple process can be difficult, but builds a lifelong business.
Repeat Customer Insights can help you understand your customer's behavior. With its collection of behavior reports, you can see what they're actually doing instead of guessing and having your efforts fall flat.

Install Repeat Customer Insights for Shopify